Its Easy to Than to Catch Up Quote Momentum

When you are on the successful roll don't stop yourself. Squeeze it, crush it because this is your golden period. Reaching the peak is not a big deal, but to sustain there is a huge success. There are very few people who keep the momentum going no matter what happens. Following momentum quotes will keep you on the pedal and maintain the momentum in life.

  1. "Almost any decision is better than no decision — just keep moving." – Danielle LaPorte
  2. "Go a little easier on yourself, and in so doing, be prepared to make and do things that might seem silly at first. Just keep moving: don't ruminate and stare at the wall. Don't just play with your phone: go out and produce something." – Merlin Mann
  3. momentum quotes overallmotivation it is not of importance
  4. "Commitment is the ignitor of momentum." – Peg Wood
  5. "One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals." – Michael Korda
  6. "Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." – Conrad Hilton, momentum quotes success
  7. 'You don't close a sale, you open a relationship if you want to build a long-term, successful enterprise." – Patricia Fripp
  8. "Success comes from taking the initiative and following up…persisting…eloquently expressing the depth of your love.  What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life?"  — Tony Robbins
  9. "It is often when night looks darkest, it is often before the fever breaks that one senses the gathering momentum for change, when one feels that resurrection of hope in the midst of despair and apathy."  — Hillary Clinton
  10. "Enthusiasm is the energy and force that builds literal momentum of the human soul and mind."  — Bryant H. McGill
  11. "Most of life is routine – dull and grubby, but routine is the momentum that keeps a man going.  If you wait for inspiration you'll be standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the street."  — Ben Nicholas
  12. "The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum." – Frances Willard
  13. "Sometimes being pushed to the wall gives you the momentum necessary to get over it!" – Peter de Jager
  14. "You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward." – Conrad Hall, sustaining momentum quotes
  15. "Sliding headfirst is the safest way to get to the next base, I think, and the fastest.  You don't lose your momentum, and there's one more important reason I slide headfirst, it gets my picture in the paper."  — Pete Rose
  16. "When you have that window of opportunity called a crisis, move as quickly as you can, get as much done as you can.  There's a momentum for change that's very compelling."  — Anne M. Mulcahy
  17. "Sometimes thinking too much can destroy your momentum."  — Tom Watson
  18. "Always work hard.  Intensity clarifies.  It creates not only momentum, but also the pressure you need to feel either friction, or fulfillment."  — Marcus Buckingham
  19. "Enthusiasm is the energy and force that builds literal momentum of the human soul and mind."  — Bryant McGill
  20. "Whatever beginning goals you set for yourself, following through on them will build momentum and a sense of achievement and those small successes will point the way to bigger ones."  — Pamela Glass Kelly
  21. 'When you find yourself in the thickness of pursuing a goal or dream, stop only to rest. Momentum builds success." – Suzy Kassem
  22. "The BIG push means being able to develop and sustain momentum toward your goal; it is the process of actively replacing excuses with winning habits, the ultimate excuses blockers. Moreover, it is being willing to go to the wall for what you want or believe in, to push beyond your previous mental and physical limits, no matter what it takes." – Lorii Myers
  23. "Excitement must lead to immediate action or you will lose the power of momentum. More dreams die because we fail to seize the moment. Do it now!" — Tony Robbins, famous momentum quotes
  24. "Because our power is motivating, and gives momentum and ownership of changes to those who dream of failure." ― Lisa McMann
  25. "Whatever beginning goals you set for yourself, following through on them will build momentum and a sense of achievement and those small success will point the way to bigger ones"  Pamela Glass Kelly,
  26. "Hope floats but effort propels." ― Rob Liano
  27. "It's very simple; just look at your life to see where you're heading. You're always in a momentum of something." ― Maria Erving
  28. "If the road behind me is not growing ever longer, then it is likely that the feet underneath me are not moving any longer. And if my feet are not moving, I have somehow, somewhere traded this most glorious journey for lesser endeavors."  – Craig D. Lounsbrough
  29. "When you have momentum going, play the momentum." — Donald Trump, continue the momentum quotes
  30. "When the finish line seems too far away, remember how you felt when you were back at the starting line. Regain that motivation to recharge your momentum." ― Toni Sorenson
  31. "Unwavering incremental change can create remarkable and monumental results." ― Ryan Lilly
  32. "To advance, however far, is profitless unless the ground gained can be consolidated, or the momentum sustained." ― Ludovic Kennedy
  33. "The step that we are on is only a step to the next place, and no step regardless of how massive is ever a destination." ― Craig D. Lounsbrough
  34. "The importance of momentum in your organization cannot be understated!" ― Miles Anthony Smith
  35. momentum quotes overallmotivation momentum is whatever
  36. "It takes a leader to create the momentum, it takes a vision to direct the momentum, it takes a massive action to build on the momentum, and it takes self-discipline to sustain the momentum. Momentum is the bridge between a vision and its results." ― Farshad Asl
  37. "It's not about inviting great things into our lives. Rather, it's about accepting the invitation of great things to step out of our lives." ― Craig D. Lounsbrough
  38. "A river is easier to channel than to stop." ― Brandon Sanderson
  39. "There are no traffic jams along the extra mile." — Roger Staubach
  40. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." — C. S. Lewis, the power of momentum quotes
  41. "If you have time to judge other people, you have way too much time on your hands. Get off your ass and do something meaningful." — Shane Gibson
  42. "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going." — Beverly Sills
  43. "If you are offered a seat on a rocket ship, do not ask what seat! Just get on." — Sheryl Sandberg
  44. "Success comes from taking the initiative and following up… persisting… eloquently expressing the depth of your love. What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life?" –  Anonymous
  45. "Always work hard. Intensity clarifies. It creates not only momentum, but also the pressure you need to feel either friction, or fulfillment." – Marcus Buckingham
  46. "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it." – Steve Jobs
  47. "The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum." — Frances E. Willard
  48. "When you're that successful, things have a momentum, and at a certain point you can't really tell whether you have created the momentum or it's creating you."  — Annie Lennox
  49. "If you have the guts to keep making mistakes, your wisdom and intelligence leap forward with huge momentum."  — Holly Near
  50. "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." – Confucius, good momentum quotes
  51. "Momentum? Momentum is the next day's starting pitcher." – Earl Weaver
  52. "Throughout human history, in any great endeavour requiring the common effort of many nations and men and women everywhere, we have learned – it is only through seriousness of purpose and persistence that we ultimately carry the day. We might liken it to riding a bicycle. You stay upright and move forward so long as you keep up the momentum." – Ban Ki-moon
  53. "When you're on a roll, you want to stay busy – you want to keep that momentum going." – Robbie Lawler
  54. "When you have that window of opportunity called a crisis, move as quickly as you can, get as much done as you can. There's a momentum for change that's very compelling." – Anne M. Mulcahy
  55. "Today if anything is trying to hold you back, give no attention to it. Get your hopes up, get your faith up, look up, and get ready to rise up." ― Germany Kent
  56. "When the vision is clear, the results will appear. Keep your mindset positive as you work your plan, flourish, and always remember why you started." ― Germany Kent, positive momentum quotes
  57. "'300′ was a real turning point in my career. Until then, I felt like a steam train that was slowly chugging to the top of a hill. Now I'm over that hill, my career seems to have its own momentum." – Gerard Butler
  58. "While a good leader sustains momentum, a great leader increases it." — John C. Maxwell
  59. "Momentum solves 80% of your problems."— John C. Maxwell
  60. "Keep moving ahead because action creates momentum, which in turn creates unanticipated opportunities."— Nick Vujicic
  61. "When a long-term trend loses it's momentum, short-term volatility tends to rise. It is easy to see why that should be so: the trend-following crowd is disoriented." — George Soros
  62. "The notion of auspiciousness is something positive, something with forward momentum, coming out of our actions." — Sakyong Mipham
  63. "He who is doing his true will is assisted by the momentum of the universe." — Peter J. Carroll
  64. "Forward momentum. That's my new motto. No regrets. And no going back." — Gayle Forman
  65. "Never surrender to the momentum of mediocrity." — Marlon Brando, don't lose momentum quotes
  66. "Forward momentum only worked as a strategy if one had correctly identified which way was forward." — Lois McMaster Bujold
  67. "Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down."― Roy T. Bennett
  68. momentum quotes imagesmomentum quotes overallmotivation dont watch
  69. "Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward, and savoring the journey." ― Roy T. Bennett
  70. "No one else knows exactly what the future holds for you, no one else knows what obstacles you've overcome to be where you are, so don't expect others to feel as passionate about your dreams as you do."  ― Germany Kent
  71. "I've got forward momentum. There's no virtue in it. It's just a balancing act. I don't dare stop." — Lois McMaster Bujold
  72. "The words carry their own momentum. A confession in motion tends to stay in motion. Newton's first law of jealousy." — Erica Jong
  73. "Like all books that have that kind of momentum, it starts from word of mouth."— Nick Hornby
  74. "You have to have a patience for exercise. You have to have a patience for college. You have to have a patience for relationships. Once the momentum gets going it takes on a life all of its own." — Simon Sinek
  75. "As the arrow endures the string, and in the gathering momentum becomes more than itself. Because to stay is to be nowhere." — Rainer Maria Rilke
  76. "Don't get bogged down with all the details of how it's going to come together. Just do the dishes. And watch the momentum build." — Brian J. White
  77. "Human nature, as manifested in tribalism and nationalism, provides the momentum of the machinery of human evolution." — Arthur Keith
  78. "Most companies don't die because they are wrong; they die because they don't commit themselves. They fritter away their momentum and their valuable resources while attempting to make a decision. The greatest danger is standing still." — Andy Grove
  79. "The stream of thinking has enormous momentum that can easily drag you along with it. Every thought pretends that it matters so much." — Eckhart Tolle
  80. "For any movement to gain momentum, it must start with a small action."— Adam Braun, gaining momentum quotes
  81. "The momentum now is inevitable. Now it's about each of us individually arranging the furniture of our own mind to deal with what has become inevitable." — Terence McKenna
  82. "What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life?"— Tony Robbins
  83. "We always talk about being a spark and swinging the momentum of the game and that swung it." – Barry Alvarez
  84. "No actor forgets the times he couldn't get a job. I think everyone doing this operates from that fear. You don't want that momentum to stop when you get it" – Ben Affleck
  85. "Develop and maintain momentum by working continuously toward your sales goals every day." – Brian Tracy
  86. "Ideas come at any moment — except when you demand them. Most ideas come while I'm physically active, at the gym, with friends, gardening, so I always carry pen and paper. My first draft is always written in longhand. But once the first dozen chapters, more like short stories, are written, then momentum builds until I can't leave the project until it's done." – Chuck Palahniuk
  87. "Improvising things is always changing. A lot of momentum." – Ikue Mori
  88. "We got that momentum going, got in a rhythm, and you saw (that) once we get into it, we can do pretty much anything we want to, … We've got to get into that rhythm every game." – Brohm Quotes
  89. "Most of life is routine – dull and grubby, but routine is the momentum that keeps a man going. If you wait for inspiration you'll be standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the street." -Ben Nicholas

    More Momentum Quotes

  90. "You simply have to put one foot in front of the other and keep going. Put blinders on and plow right ahead." – George Lucas
  91. "You learn more from losing than winning. You learn how to keep going." – Morgan Wootten
  92. momentum quotes just keep going
  93. "One thing I've come to learn about myself is that I have to keep going." – Andrew Mason
  94. "You have to keep going and pursue your dreams." – Joey King, momentum quotes and sayings
  95. "Don't listen to what anybody says except the people who encourage you. If it's what you want to do and it's within yourself, then keep going and try to do it for the rest of your life." – Jake Gyllenhaal
  96. "Things aren't always easy, but you just have to keep going and don't let the small stuff bog you down." – Stella Maeve
  97. "All I do is work, so I eat to live and to keep going." – Miley Cyrus
  98. "When you turn 60, the key is to not stop moving. Once you start to stop moving, you rust. You got to just keep going." – Christie Brinkley
  99. "I always tell my kids if you lay down, people will step over you. But if you keep scrambling, if you keep going, someone will always, always give you a hand. Always. But you gotta keep dancing, you gotta keep your feet moving." – Morgan Freeman
  100. "All I'm trying to do is to keep going and keep evolving." – Juliana Hatfield, creating momentum quotes
  101. "When things are going good they just keep going good." – Fuzzy Zoeller
  102. "When you realize your life isn't heading in the direction you wish, rather than wasting time complaining about the situation, just focus on the direction you wish to proceed with determination." ― Nanette Mathews
  103. "India has created a special momentum in world history as a country to be searched for knowledge." — Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  104. "We have got to keep the momentum going in order to achieve all of our objectives." — Bill Vaughan
  105. "There is something about the momentum of travel that makes you want to just keep moving, to never stop." — Bill Bryson
  106. "Embrace who you are and your divine purpose. Identify the barriers in your life, and develop discipline, courage and the strength to permanently move beyond them, and keep moving forward." ― Germany Kent
  107. "A bird does not give up flying because it failed on its first attempt." ― Matshona Dhliwayo
  108. "The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." – Confucius, gathering momentum quotes
  109. "Getting momentum going is the most difficult part of the job, and often taking the first step is enough to prompt you to make the best of your day." – Robert J. McKain
  110. "Success requires first expending ten units of effort to produce one unit of results. Your momentum will then produce ten units of results with each unit of effort." – Charles J. Givens
  111. "The most important thing you can do to achieve your goals is to make sure that as soon as you set them, you immediately begin to create momentum." – Anthony Robbins
  112. "Success … seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." – Conrad Hilton, momentum quotes success

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